Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Eggs Are In The Basket

Look what you did!

It worked. It came. The package arrived yesterday afternoon (because my personal postal worker loves the hour from 4.30 to 5.30). It has inside the paperback "Bourne Identity" which remains my favorite spy novel EVER, as well as Barbara Kingsolver's "The Lacuna" which I bought because I love her other work, most especially "The Poisonwood Bible" (which you really would love and should try if you haven't - even though it's reallllllly long [not a problem for me] the VOICES will speak right directly into your brain. Brilliant.) Also Robert McKee's "Story" which it technically for screenwriters, so technically for Husband and me to share, but also because I hear its fabulous.

So thanks, dears, for your Schopenhauer-esque positive thinking. I'll let you know when I'm in contract negotiations!


  1. Yay! Your package came! (Also, you gave me new books to read!)

  2. How exciting Becca! Yay! I love Bourne Identity, I have the entire series in DVD collection.

    Thanks for the other book recommendations, long pieces don't scare me at all.

  3. Long pieces don't scare me but they scare my husband and kids who ultimately get ignored when I'm deep inside a good read.

  4. Awesome news, my mind powers are getting stronger.


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