Thursday, April 9, 2009


I woke up to more snow this morning. I wonder if the fact that I neither cursed nor went back to bed means that I'm finally accepting the reality of living here in the mountains. It's only been seven and a half years. But come on, people. It's the middle of April!

The kids slept over at Grandma's last night (yeah, Spring Break!), went to the movies, ate yummy food, played cards, and had a huge party. I just got the call telling me they'll be returned to me after lunch. (!)

I've already gotten 2,000 words done today, and now it looks like I have hours more time to go. Maybe I'll shower (because personal hygiene comes somewhere after getting my words written and before going back to bed) and then write some more. Or I could vacuum. And do a load of laundry. And wash some windows (inside only - it's snowing, remember?) and clean some bathrooms.

And there's the Meet the Masters art project (Leonardo da Vinci) that I have to teach next week, which really needs to be painted today...

Okay. Here's The Plan.

Write 1,000 more.
Da Vinci paintings.
Nap till the kids return.

How sweet it is!

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