Hey, guess what? I've got something to tell you... I received a small box of small books. Really pretty books with a cute swoony redhead on the cover. And also on the cover? My name. Right down there in the lower right corner.
And I discovered something about myself, about how I work. Something about my M.O., my style, my heart. I am a giver-away-er. I want to give a book to everyone I know. Also strangers. And Libraries. And set them in public places, like waiting rooms and bus stops and grocery lines.
Husband laughs.
I laugh, too, because I know it's silly to give away all the twenty books Mr. Publisher gave me.*
I want to give one. Just one. Here's the deal. You leave me a comment, telling me either:
1. The best book you've ever read that's a romance but not a Romance, if you know what I mean, or
2. Your most embarrassing slip-up regarding a "person of interest" of the opposite gender, or
3. Who you will share "My Ridiculous Romantic Obsessions" with (after you read it) if you win a copy (bonus points if they blog)**
Easy, right? I'll choose a random winner on, um, let's see... Thursday morning. Yes, dear, I know that's a holiday. But I'll be home, and you can check in anytime. Please don't let me disturb your busy social schedule.
As for softening your despair if you aren't the random winner... I hear rumors. See, this book is published by Shadow Mountain, who is owned by Deseret Book. So even though the official release date is March 4th or something (I only know that because in a fit of insanity I checked on Barnes&Noble's website), books are being spotted at Deseret Book stores near you.*** And if I were less lazy, I'd go check the Shadow Mountain website to see if you can order online. Oh, all right. Hold on, please.
(Hm, hm, hm....****)
Yeah, okay. Maybe not online yet. But soon. Soon, I tell you! (as far as I know)
OH, YEAH - also, my toe is mending. Thank you. I can sleep. I can breathe in and out. I can hobble. I have to put on shoes later this morning. Pray for me.
So have a happy day, please. And if you want to be a winner, just know that you already are, in my book. But not necessarily OF my book. You know what I mean.
*There aren't twenty left. Because... well, haven't you heard what I've been saying?
**That is a lie. This will be random. Because I'm feeling sort of random, you know?
***I mean, if you live near a Deseret Book Store. You understand.
***That's your hold music. Hope you enjoyed it.