Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More Fun

Look! A great review by YA Book Queen. This fun blog is run by Lea, who is 18. Girl Power! She ran the review today and is running a contest in the next few days. And speaking of contests, my Good Friend Melanie J is running a giveaway of MRRO - you can jump over to her hilarious blog and throw your hat in there, too.

Meanwhile, I get to experience shame at the hands of eight-year-olds today. I'm teaching a dance for a musical program at school. I know. This is enormous irony. But away I go, to dance and sing my little guts out.

Over and out.


  1. I just read it again recently and loved it in a whole new way. Your characters are so REAL and I'm freshly amazed by that!

  2. I'm with Kim, your characters ARE real. And the emotion...DUDE, I want to take lessons from you!

    I'm so glad you go out and dance it out, anyway. You're awesome, Becca.

  3. It's so fun to visit your blog and catch up on all your adventures. I can't wait to see you in Joseph!!


If you want to say it, I want to hear it. Bring it on.